GMCT Fawkner Office Accommodation.
The Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust commissioned ARKit to design and construct new office accommodation at the Fawkner Memorial Park.
As one of Australia’s largest operating cemeteries, land available to expand GMCT’s operational facilities was limited. With few suitable site options available, a forecourt location was selected for the new building, situated at the park’s main entry, and located between the existing administration building and adjoining maintenance yards.
Given the sensitive nature of the facility, and the prominence of the selected site, offsite construction would enable a new building to be delivered within minimal impact on GMCT’s existing operations.
Following a detailed consultation process, during which existing occupancy arrangements and functional adjacencies were reviewed, the spatial requirements for the building were determined and detailed design completed.
Key to the successful delivery of the project was achieving GMCT’s requirements for a sustainable building with a highly insulated thermal envelope, good acoustic performance, and seamless construction delivery. Site based construction works for the project were completed in under four weeks.
Project value: $1,000,000 (excl GST) including design, consultant and authority fees, factory and site based construction. Form of Contract: AS4300. Completion Date: May 2018. Factory and site based construction = 21 weeks. Modular building system.